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How To Make Soy Milk

  • Soy Milk Recipe

    Soy milk and soy foods are rich sources of carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, proteins and other nutrients. This soy milk can be consumed in place of dairy milk, although soy milk does not have the same flavor, aroma and other characteristics as dairy milk. Soy milk is produced by soaking the soybeans overnight and grind them to make slurry from it. Later that slurry is boiled for about 15 - 20 minutes and then sieved to remove the insoluble soy. Soy milk is widely consumed in many Asian countries like Malaysia, Japan, Singapore etc. Soy milk is also gaining popularity in western countries. The recipe of soy milk is also very easy.

    Soy milk has a good amount of protein like cow's milk, but it has very little saturated fat content. cow's milk contains lactose but the soy milk does not contain lactose like cow's milk, so the soy milk is good and safe for people with lactose intolerance. Here we are sharing the recipe of making soy milk at home easily.

    • Cooking Time :
    • 30 Minutes
    • Rest Time :
    • 10 Hour
    • Meal Type :
    • Vegetarian

  • 1 Review | 38 Likes

Soy Milk Ingredients


Soybean Seeds1 1/2 Cup (300 Gram)Water2 Liter + For Soaking

Direction To Make

  • Check the soybean for any stone.
  • Wash the soybeans to clean them. Soak the soybean seeds for about 10 - 12 hours or overnight.
  • Remove the skin of soaked soybeans by rubbing them in between your palm. Soybean skin will float on water, you can easily discard it.
  • Remove the skin and all the water. Wash it again in a sieve so that the water is not with the beans.
  • Take 2 liters of water in a jug. Add some water from it and soaked soybeans in a grinder and grind them to make a fine and smooth paste. Grind all soybeans in 3 - 4 batches depending on the size of the grinder.
  • Transfer these paste to a large pot to boil. Add the remaining water in it and allow it to boil over medium heat over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
  • When it starts boiling, some foam is formed on the surface, using a spoon remove that foam.
  • Continue to boil for another 7 - 8 minutes, while stirring occasionally.
  • Soy Milk is ready. Now we have to filter it through muslin cloth. Set a strainer in a large bowl with a muslin cloth inside it.
  • Pour milk into muslin cloth. The filtered milk will collect in a boil and the insoluble soy residue will be in the cloth. Squeeze the cloth to collect all the milk.
  • Soya milk is ready. You can use it in any way for drinking, making tea or coffee or for making tofu.


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    Pawan  Batra Pawan Batra

    Delicious soy milk

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