How To Make Egg Curry
Recipe Of Delicious Egg Curry
MyDelicious Recipes-Egg Curry
Eggs contain a good amount of protein, eggs are used to make many healthy and delicious dishes. Many delicious egg dishes and egg curry is one of them which is a healthy and delicious dish. To make delicious egg curry, the eggs are first boiled, then slightly fried and later cooked in spicy onion tomato gravy. Egg curry can be made in two ways, one with boiled eggs and the other with egg omelette. This video recipe teaches you how to make egg curry with boiled egg as well as egg omelette.
Egg curry is a delicious and flavorful dish that is much famous through-out the world. This delicious dish is made from boiled eggs, cooked in an aromatic gravy of tomatoes, onions and a mixture of spices. This dish is famous for its rich taste. You can serve this dish with rice or roti.
To make egg curry, eggs are first boiled, then peeled and kept aside. A delicious gravy is made by frying onions and tomatoes till they become soft. Spices like coriander, turmeric, cumin and chili powder are added to this gravy for a delicious taste. Boiled eggs are added to this gravy, mixed well and simmered until the eggs are coated with the aromatic gravy.
There are many different recipes for making egg curry. Some of them use coconut milk or yogurt to make a rich and creamy gravy, while some use a mix of fresh herbs and spices. Egg curry is a comforting and satisfying dish that's perfect for a family lunch or dinner.
- Preparation Time :
- 15 Minutes
- Cooking Time :
- 30 Minutes
- Meal Type :
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Pawan Batra
Delicious egg curry
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